O que é o projeto?

Retrofeed is an initiative that aims to use raw materials and fuels of biological origin in industrial processes, in a circular economy logic. It has the following ambitions:

— To modernise main industrial equipment;

— To implement an advanced monitoring and control system;

— To provide a decision support system (DDS) throughout the entire production chain.

This approach will be implemented and demonstrated in industrial facilities in 5 sectors with high resources and energy consumption: cement, steel, aluminum, ceramics and agrochemical. 
Retrofeed is a H2020 project, in a consortium of 18 partners in 10 different countries. Secil is the only representative of the cement sector and is focused on increasing energy efficiency, using alternative fuels and reducing CO2 emissions. 
The project is being developed in the Maceira factory and involves, among other aspects, the design of a new digital model for a clinquer kiln, the integration of new control sensors for the productive process and higher efficiency in the combustion process. 

Retrofeed - Projeto com participação da Secil para modernização dos processos produtivos da indústria